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Talk Infos

Speaker: Hagen Pfeifer
Company affiliation: Rohde & Schwarz
Time: 25.04.2024 09:30
Room: Track 1

Talk Details

This presentation will discuss in detail the pitfalls from software design to implementation of a Linux embedded product in order to develop a power efficient device. The topic will be approached from an analytical point of view, as this provides the basis for making improvements in the first place.

The presentation gives concrete insights on how to identify wakeups, the impact of scaling governors and many other subsystems of the kernel. The talk is intermixed by numerous practical examples, which should enable the listener to autonomously analyze and optimize the power consumption for complex embedded systems.

The talk has no prerequisites for the audience. Topics such as scheduling or CPU frequency governors are introduced in the talk. Of course, the listener should have a basic understanding of a Linux system and at least a basic understanding of concepts such as processes and interrupts.

Even if the talk focuses on an embedded system, the knowledge provided can, with a few exceptions, also be transferred to a server system.


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