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Carolin Rubner & Birthe Böhm

Carolin Rubner & Birthe Böhm

Head of Research Group

Carolin Rubner

Carolin Rubner leads the research module ‘Sustainable Software Engineering & industrial-grade DevOps’ and the research group Decentralized Architectures & Blockchain within Siemens Technology in Erlangen, Germany.

She has been working with Siemens across all verticals for 28 years. Her career started as a software architect and project manager specializing in international research and development projects.

Birthe Böhm

Birthe Böhm is Senior Key Expert for Operation & Control Systems Architecture and Engineering, a certified Siemens System Architect, and a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Practice Consultant.

She has been working with Siemens for more than 20 years in several domains and positions. Today, she is part of the research group Decentralized Architectures & Blockchain within Siemens Technology in Erlangen, Germany, and focuses on software sustainability from a system architecture perspective.